Friday, December 26, 2008

About Tamamo^^

After reading a from another bloger blog, i "stole" the idea from him, and the question is quite interesting n funny.

Stuff about me if u willing to know more about me ^^:

Name: Wisely aka YC (Nick name) || Tamamo(Japan name)

Birth place: Penang Hospital, Butterworth, Malaysia

Current Location: Penang, Malaysia

Eye Color: Black

Hair Color: Black

Height: 169 cm

Right Handed or Left Handed: Right handed

Your Heritage: Chinese

Your Weakness: Moody and Stubborn Personalities

Your Fears: Sleep alone + Mouse + Cockroach and so on

Fruits that you like: Strawberry && Peach && Lychee

Fruits that you avoid: Durian(Bad smelly), Banana, Papaya

Your Perfect Pizza: Can i choose Mushroom && Meatball pasta with Cheese

Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: Graduate in Diploma

Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger: ^^

Thoughts First Waking Up: Any acne on my face today?

Your Best Physical Feature: My boyish face + my pretty eyes (shy)

Your Bedtime: When my eyes are dry || Hot day + weather

Your Most Missed Memory: My birthday when year 03, my friends still remember my brithday.^^

Pepsi or Coke: PEPSI ^^

McDonald's or Burger King: McDonald's

Single or Group Dates: Single of course, but I don’t mind group date if all of them are Handsome n Pretties

Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Any green tea to choose?

Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate

Cappuccino or Coffee: Cappuccino, but don't Nescafe please... sickness: Palpitation

Do you Smoke: NO, and please don't smoke in front of me !

Do you Swear: Never. Leave me alone if you don’t trust me!

Do you Sing: I afraid my hoarse voice scared you guys away.

Do you Shower Daily: Yes, 2 times minimum, but the exact times is depend on the weather

Have you Been in Love: Don't know, no body love me....

Do you want to go to College: Sure ^^

Do you want to get Married: Yeap...

Do you believe in yourself: Occasionally. I am stubborn actually.

Do you get Motion Sickness: Occasionally

Do you think you are Attractive: Anyone doubt about this? LOL

Are you a Health Freak: Of course. I love myself!

Do you get along with your Parents: Of course. They are my everything.

Do you like Thunderstorms: Nope, it is annoying to me!

Do you play an Instrument: Yes. I play Piano, Grade 3 || Violin (just learn 2 months only)

Ever been Drunk: Never. Because i don't drink ^^ hehe

Ever been called a Tease: Never, but get bullied frequently.

Ever been Beaten up: Often recently ... (Blackly YUe )

Ever Shoplifted: I scared to eat Curry rice(arrested)

How do you want to Die: Arsenic-ing perhaps? Because look nicer

What do you want to be when you Grow Up: E Sai Joe (Rich Man's Son)

What country would you most like to Visit: Japan ( The traditional culture that i love so much)


Jason Law said...

mouse is cute and durian is nice..!Hahah..

How did you celebrate your xmas ^^?

Cherish Leow said...

hello. happy new year! :)

Juan said...
