Friday, December 26, 2008

About Tamamo^^

After reading a from another bloger blog, i "stole" the idea from him, and the question is quite interesting n funny.

Stuff about me if u willing to know more about me ^^:

Name: Wisely aka YC (Nick name) || Tamamo(Japan name)

Birth place: Penang Hospital, Butterworth, Malaysia

Current Location: Penang, Malaysia

Eye Color: Black

Hair Color: Black

Height: 169 cm

Right Handed or Left Handed: Right handed

Your Heritage: Chinese

Your Weakness: Moody and Stubborn Personalities

Your Fears: Sleep alone + Mouse + Cockroach and so on

Fruits that you like: Strawberry && Peach && Lychee

Fruits that you avoid: Durian(Bad smelly), Banana, Papaya

Your Perfect Pizza: Can i choose Mushroom && Meatball pasta with Cheese

Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: Graduate in Diploma

Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger: ^^

Thoughts First Waking Up: Any acne on my face today?

Your Best Physical Feature: My boyish face + my pretty eyes (shy)

Your Bedtime: When my eyes are dry || Hot day + weather

Your Most Missed Memory: My birthday when year 03, my friends still remember my brithday.^^

Pepsi or Coke: PEPSI ^^

McDonald's or Burger King: McDonald's

Single or Group Dates: Single of course, but I don’t mind group date if all of them are Handsome n Pretties

Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Any green tea to choose?

Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate

Cappuccino or Coffee: Cappuccino, but don't Nescafe please... sickness: Palpitation

Do you Smoke: NO, and please don't smoke in front of me !

Do you Swear: Never. Leave me alone if you don’t trust me!

Do you Sing: I afraid my hoarse voice scared you guys away.

Do you Shower Daily: Yes, 2 times minimum, but the exact times is depend on the weather

Have you Been in Love: Don't know, no body love me....

Do you want to go to College: Sure ^^

Do you want to get Married: Yeap...

Do you believe in yourself: Occasionally. I am stubborn actually.

Do you get Motion Sickness: Occasionally

Do you think you are Attractive: Anyone doubt about this? LOL

Are you a Health Freak: Of course. I love myself!

Do you get along with your Parents: Of course. They are my everything.

Do you like Thunderstorms: Nope, it is annoying to me!

Do you play an Instrument: Yes. I play Piano, Grade 3 || Violin (just learn 2 months only)

Ever been Drunk: Never. Because i don't drink ^^ hehe

Ever been called a Tease: Never, but get bullied frequently.

Ever been Beaten up: Often recently ... (Blackly YUe )

Ever Shoplifted: I scared to eat Curry rice(arrested)

How do you want to Die: Arsenic-ing perhaps? Because look nicer

What do you want to be when you Grow Up: E Sai Joe (Rich Man's Son)

What country would you most like to Visit: Japan ( The traditional culture that i love so much)

Saturday, October 11, 2008




虽然如此,但在过了斋戒期的一天晚上,肚子和我闹边捏...于是便邀了朋友一起去吃夜宵。可是一个朋友说夜了,不想再出去了;另一个则说,头有点 痛,不想出去。剩下我和一位女生朋友她愿意带我去,可我想就只有我们两个,就不想打扰她了。拿出冰箱里的豆奶,喝了一杯后就失望的睡觉了。

翌日,朋友心血来潮的的相约出去游泳戏水。虽然不是很想去,但仍旧还是出席了。因个人的原因,原本只想去泳池边戏水而已,也告诉了"友人鑫”我不想 下水,但终究还是被逼的下水了。还好事先有准备面巾,已不是至于湿着身子回宿舍。途中,我的好朋友"YUE“告诉我其实昨天晚上当我睡时,他们有去吃夜 宵。当我听了,真的是无言,更是恼怒得很便大声问道”




这意释着什么?是说我蛮不讲理吗?我愣住了,心里感到非常的委屈,我只想把自己心里的不满说出来,难道这就错了吗?也只肚子的人是我,你们不想出去 我也无法强逼你们,最后你们再烙下我那饿着肚子的人,跑去吃夜宵,而我连宣泄自己不满情绪的资格也没有吗?最后我还是把怒气吞进肚里,没办法...即使我 继续生气下去,他们也只会觉得我野蛮、小气,也没有必要为了这件事,让告诉我这件事的好朋友“YUE”难做。(因为当他告诉我后,他被其他的朋友责怪,甚 至被”友人歆“打呢...)我感到欣慰因为YUE真的当我是好朋友,至少他没有隐瞒这件事。(因为事后我认为,其他人都试着去隐瞒不让我知道)

从这件事让我了解,原来我在这群朋友当中,其实是占了一席不大重要的位置。可有可无的幽灵人,少了发言权,少了情绪,脾气不可有,少了自由权,甚至 连一些事都想隐瞒着我。我和"YUE"比较能聊,所以常参在一起,但却被朋友问我是不是gay...就连我喜欢参谁的权力也想剥夺吗?害得我现在有时和他 有一些互动都尴尬....

Saturday, July 12, 2008






伴我走到这里,看着你对他说“love you ^^”


可以包含 3个人难以解释的 三角关系
可以包含 2个人之间满满的幸福
内心深处的 孤独与寂寞

仿佛听到了自己的故事 与 回忆






Saturday, May 17, 2008

Trip of Penang Hill

Our recent gathering b4 Yan Yan go to KL, One day trip of Penang Hill. Yeah !!! Bfore tat, we went Kek Lok Si 1st, since Yan Yan suggest going at night more beautiful, so we change our destination to Penang Hill...^^ We reached about 4.45pm, after brought the monorail tickets, lucky the monorail was reach.
Capture in the monorail
sit beside the old monorail
MC, Xuan, May E n' YC(2 kind of pose ^^)

After walking 1600 m to the Draw-bridge...

May EE is posing a pretty post on the draw-bridge

Very tired n scare on the bridge...

hehe... Sambil walk sambil take photo ...(on bridge)

Tired and take a rest when on the road(MC, Yc, Yan Yan, Xuan)

The guys who walk behind ^^

the only 3 girl in our trip ^^
Go back

After that, we go to took our dinner and go to Kek Lok Si . BUT....! There was close...... So that, we finish our fantastic trip ^^

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

The world that i prefer n' Love

This is a party that joined all of famous characters . If u see it clearly , that got Bruce Lee, Guan Gong, and so on ^^ On my opinion, tis is not just a paint, but also the world that I like. This is called all of one, one world, one heart, one mind. That is the perfect world for me

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Once upon a time, a guy alway prey the God for his necessary and also getting the solution when facing problem. One day, he was dream of the God while slept. He saw that, the God is preying to himself, he felt inquisitive and asked the God. The God said:"I wouldn't ask other people but myself. I will try my best to solve the problem."

What information u get from this fable, mind to share to me ? ^^

Monday, May 12, 2008

John McLaughlin--So close~

You’re in my arms
And all the world is calm
The music playing on for only two
So close together
And when I’m with you
So close to feeling alive

A life goes by
Romantic dreams will stop
So I bid mine goodbye and never knew
So close was waiting, waiting here with you
And now forever I know
All that I wanted to hold you
So close

So close to reaching that famous happy end
Almost believing this was not pretend
And now you’re beside me and look how far we’ve come
So far we are so close

How could I face the faceless days
If I should lose you now?
We’re so close
To reaching that famous happy end
And almost believing this was not pretend
Let’s go on dreaming for we know we are
So close
So close
And still so far

The gratefully festival ~MOthers' Day

11th May-The gratefully festival ~MOthers' Day

Yesterday, i have a great MOther day with my dearly mom ^^ although don't have a beautiful Carnation, no big meal , an expensive present and a lot of decoration, but with fully love and warmth. That morning , i woke up early and prepared western lunch for her, beside that i also brought a crystal bracelet for her ^^

this is what i have prepared for my dearly mom^^ spaghetti and
black pepper chicken-chop(haven added the sauce)

tada~~~! what we(my mom n I) have done,
top is my mom de salted-fish char mi-hun ,yummy !!

Let me tell u , how delicious it is^^


how sweet she is ^^ hope to see your sweetest smile everyday.
I Love U, mom^^

Wish every Mother may spent everyday in happy.
Happy Mother Day^^